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Point Source Application Flow 

Point Source Data Set Rules

The following describes the rules that will be used to calculate values for the CBP data sets. Data is retrieved from the Echo DMR data REST Services and the priorities are applied to each parameter for each facility.

Flow – MGD (Million Gallons per Day)

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
150050Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantMGDAVGUse value.
250050Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantMissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is MGD and mark as missing unit.
350050Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantMGDMAXUse value.
450050Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantMissingMAXUse value if Limit Unit Code is MGD.
550050Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantMG/MonthTTLDivide by number of days in month to get MGD.
682220Flow, totalMG/MonthTTLDivide by number of days in month to get MGD.
700056Flow rateMissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is MGD.
850050Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantGal/Day-----Divide number by 1,000,000 to get MGD.
950050Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantGal/Minute-----Mulitple number by (60 * 24) then divide by 1,000,000 to get MGD.
10Default   Use state specific default.

BOD5 – Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5 Day – mg/L (milligrams / Liter)


PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
180082BOD, carbonaceous [5 day, 20 C]mg/LAVGUse value.
280082BOD, carbonaceous [5 day, 20 C]Lb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344)
380082BOD, carbonaceous [5 day, 20 C]MissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
480082BOD, carbonaceous [5 day, 20 C]mg/LMAXUse value.
580082BOD, carbonaceous [5 day, 20 C]Lb/dMAXConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
680082BOD, carbonaceous [5 day, 20 C]MissingMAXUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
700310BOD, 5-day, 20 deg. Cmg/LAVGUse value.
800310BOD, 5-day, 20 deg. CLb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
900310BOD, 5-day, 20 deg. CMissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
1000310BOD, 5-day, 20 deg. Cmg/LMAXUse value.
1100310BOD, 5-day, 20 deg. CLb/dMAXConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
1200310BOD, 5-day, 20 deg. CMissingMAXUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
13Default   Use state specific default.

DO – Dissolved Oxygen – mg/L (milligrams / Liter)

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
100300Oxygen, dissolved [DO]mg/LAVGUse value.
200300Oxygen, dissolved [DO]MissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
300300Oxygen, dissolved [DO]mg/LMINUse value.
400300Oxygen, dissolved [DO]MissingMINUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
500300Oxygen, dissolved [DO]mg/LMAXUse value.
600300Oxygen, dissolved [DO]MissingMAXUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mMark as missing unit.
7Default   Use state specific default.

NH3 – Ammonia – mg/L (milligrams / Liter)

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
100610Nitrogen, ammonia total [as N]mg/LAVGUse value.
200610Nitrogen, ammonia total [as N]Lb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
300610Nitrogen, ammonia total [as N]MissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
400610Nitrogen, ammonia total [as N]mg/LMAXUse value.
500610Nitrogen, ammonia total [as N]Lb/dMAXConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
600610Nitrogen, ammonia total [as N]MissingMAXUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
734726Nitrogen, ammonia, total [as NH3]mg/LAVGConvert: NH3 as N = (NH3 as NH3) * 14/17.
834726Nitrogen, ammonia, total [as NH3]Lb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
934726Nitrogen, ammonia, total [as NH3]MissingAVGConvert: NH3 as N = (NH3 as NH3) * 14/17 and mark as missing unit.
1034726Nitrogen, ammonia, total [as NH3]mg/LMAXConvert: NH3 as N = (NH3 as NH3) * 14/17 .
1134726Nitrogen, ammonia, total [as NH3]Lb/dMAXConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
1234726Nitrogen, ammonia, total [as NH3]MissingMAXConvert: NH3 as N = (NH3 as NH3) * 14/17 and mark as missing unit.
1351446Nitrogen, Ammonia  TotalLbTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344).
1451446Nitrogen, Ammonia  TotalMissingTTLUse value if Limit Unit Code is lb then
Convert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344).
15Default   Use state specific default.

NO23 – Nitrite + Nitrate – mg/L (milligrams / Liter)

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
100630Nitrite + Nitrate total [as N]mg/LAVGUse value.
200630Nitrite + Nitrate total [as N]Lb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
300630Nitrite + Nitrate total [as N]mg/LMAXUse value.
400630Nitrite + Nitrate total [as N]Lb/dTTLConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
500630Nitrite + Nitrate total [as N]Lb/moAVGConvert: mg/L = (lb/mo) / (Flow * 8.344 * days in month)
600630Nitrite + Nitrate total [as N]MissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
700630Nitrite + Nitrate total [as N]MissingMAXUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
851450Nitrite Plus Nitrate TotalLbTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344).
951450Nitrite Plus Nitrate TotalMissingTTLUse value if Limit Unit Code is lb then
Convert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344).
1000615Nitrogen, nitrite total [as N]mg/LAVGConvert: NO23=NO2+NO3.
1100615Nitrogen, nitrite total [as N]MissingAVGConvert: NO23=NO2+NO3 and mark as missing unit.
1200615Nitrogen, nitrite total [as N]mg/LMAXConvert: NO23=NO2+NO3.
1300620Nitrogen, nitrate total [as N]mg/LAVGConvert: NO23=NO2+NO3.
1400620Nitrogen, nitrate total [as N]MissingAVGConvert: NO23=NO2+NO3 and mark as missing unit.
1500620Nitrogen, nitrate total [as N]mg/LMAXConvert: NO23=NO2+NO3.
16Default   Use state specific default.

TN – Total Nitrogen – mg/L (milligrams / Liter)

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
100600Nitrogen, total [as N]mg/LAVGUse value.
200600Nitrogen, total [as N]MissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
300600Nitrogen, total [as N]Lb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344)
400600Nitrogen, total [as N]Lb/moAVGConvert: mg/L = (lb/mo) / (Flow * 8.344 * days in month)
500600Nitrogen, total [as N]mg/LMAXUse value.
600600Nitrogen, total [as N]Lb/dMAXConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344)
700600Nitrogen, total [as N]Lb/moTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb/mo) / (Flow * 8.344 * days in month)
800600Nitrogen, total [as N]Lb/yrTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb/yr) / (Flow * 8.344 * 365)
900600Nitrogen, total [as N]Lb/yrMAXConvert: mg/L = (lb/yr) / (Flow * 8.344 * 365)
1000600Nitrogen, total [as N]MissingMAXUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L. Mark as missing unit.
1151445Nitrogen, TotalLbTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344)
1251445Nitrogen, TotalMissingTTLUse value if Limit Unit Code is lb then
Convert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344) and mark as missing unit.
13Default   Use state specific default.

PO4 – Phosphate – mg/L (milligrams / Liter)

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
104175Phosphate, ortho [as P]mg/LAVGUse value.
204175Phosphate, ortho [as P]Lb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
304175Phosphate, ortho [as P]Lb/moAVGConvert: mg/L = (lb/mo) / (Flow * 8.344 * days in month).
404175Phosphate, ortho [as P]Lb/dTTLConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
570507Phosphorous, in total orthophosphatemg/LAVGUse value.
670507Phosphorous, in total orthophosphateLb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
770507Phosphorous, in total orthophosphateLb/moAVGConvert: mg/L = (lb/mo) / (Flow * 8.344 * days in month).
870507Phosphorous, in total orthophosphatemg/LMAXUse value.
970507Phosphorous, in total orthophosphateLb/dMAXConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
1070507Phosphorous, in total orthophosphateLb/dTTLConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
1170507Phosphorous, in total orthophosphateMissingMAXUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
12Default   Use state specific default.

TP – Total Phosphorus – mg/L (milligrams / Liter)

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
100665Phosphorus, total [as P]mg/LAVGUse value.
200665Phosphorus, total [as P]Lb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
300665Phosphorus, total [as P]Lb/moAVGConvert: mg/L = (lb/mo) / (Flow * 8.344 * days in month).
400665Phosphorus, total [as P]MissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
500665Phosphorus, total [as P]mg/LMAXUse value.
600665Phosphorus, total [as P]Lb/dMAXConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
700665Phosphorus, total [as P]Lb/yrMAXConvert: mg/L = (lb/yr) / (Flow * 8.344 * 365).
800665Phosphorus, total [as P]MissingMAXUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
900665Phosphorus, total [as P]Lb/dTTLConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
1000665Phosphorus, total [as P]Lb/moTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb/mo) / (Flow * 8.344 * days in month).
1100665Phosphorus, total [as P]Lb/yrTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb/yr) / (Flow * 8.344 * 365).
1251451Phosphorus, TotalLbAVGConvert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344).
1351451Phosphorus, TotalLbTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344).
1451451Phosphorus, TotalMissingTTLUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
15Default   Use state specific default.

TSS – Total Suspended Solids – mg/L (milligrams / Liter))

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
100530Solids, total suspendedmg/LAVGUse value.
200530Solids, total suspendedLb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
300530Solids, total suspendedMissingAVGUse value if Limit Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
400530Solids, total suspendedmg/LMAXUse value.
500530Solids, total suspendedLb/dMAXConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
600530Solids, total suspendedLb/yrMAXConvert: mg/L = (lb/yr) / (Flow * 8.344 * 365).
700530Solids, total suspendedMissingMAXUse value if Standard Unit Code is mg/L and mark as missing unit.
800530Solids, total suspendedLb/dTTLConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344)
900530Solids, total suspendedLb/moTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb/mo) / (Flow * 8.344 * days in month).
1000530Solids, total suspendedLb/yrTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb/yr) / (Flow * 8.344 * 365).
1151530Suspended Solids, TotalLbAVGConvert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344).
1251530Suspended Solids, TotalLbTTLConvert: mg/L = (lb / days in month) / (Flow * 8.344).

TON – Total Organic Nitrogen – mg/L (milligrams / Liter)

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
100605Nitrogen, organic total [as N]mg/LAVGUse value.
200605Nitrogen, organic total [as N]Lb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
300605Nitrogen, organic total [as N]mg/LMAXUse value.
400605Nitrogen, organic total [as N]Lb/dTTLConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
500605Nitrogen, organic total [as N]Lb/dTTLConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344).
600625Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, total [as N]mg/LAVGConvert: TON=TKN-NH3, or calculated from relationship.
700625Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, total [as N]MissingAVGConvert: TON=TKN-NH3, or calculated from relationship and mark as missing unit.
800625Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, total [as N]mg/LMAXConvert: TON=TKN-NH3, or calculated from relationship.
900625Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, total [as N]MissingMAXConvert: TON=TKN-NH3, or calculated from relationship and mark as missing unit.
1000625Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, total [as N]Lb/dAVGConvert: mg/L = lb/d / (Flow * 8.344), TON=TKN-NH3, or calculated from relationship.
11Default   Use state specific default.

TOP – Total Organic Phosphorus – mg/L (milligrams / Liter))

PriorityCodeDescriptionUnitsBase TypeProcessing
1    Calculate as TP-PO4.
200670Phosphorus, Total Organic  Use Value.